Contains the Inspection Violations for a Food Establishment Business during the current or previous year.
Food Establishment Businesses data set contains the Last Inspected date. If this date for the Business is newer than the most recent Inspection date in the Food Establishment Inspections data set, then the Business has a perfect score of 100.
It is possible to see a business with score of 100 where the Last Inspected Date matches the Inspection Date in the Food Establishment Inspections data set. However, the violation resulted in 0 points deducted from the score. Violations can result in a deduction of 0 to 5 points from a max score of 100.
Food Establishment Inspection data is contained in three data sets:
Food Establishment Businesses
Food Establishment Inspections
Food Establishment Violations
Data set relationships
Business: one to many -> Inspections (key: License Number)
Inspections: one to many -> Violations (key: License Number, Inspection Date)